Propaganda says they get paid X amount in pesos every month, and "steaks"Why all of them maruchaneros only eat maruchan?Clearly propaganda is one thing, reality another ETERNAL HELL FOR WHAT? Kilroy had just turned21. I just wish all the innocent people these scum bags could actually see them roasting in hell, if there is one (I hope so), it would be so beautiful to hear their screams as their skin boils off and knowing it will continue for eternity is the topping of the cake. Follow Ildefonso Ortiz onTwitterand onFacebook. But when the U.S citizen Mark Kilroy went missing, the Mexican authorities were pressured to investigate. The Believers: Cult Murders in Mexico. But she was grooming him for something much darker than telling fortunes. Police still suspect there may be more victims who simply havent been found. She got exactly what she deserved. The source indicated that the yet unidentified man was dumped behind a hotel in the outskirts of Matamoros. Hernandez once ordered his henchman to bring him the first male they could findfor sacrifice. For Mark Kilroy and his friends, the nightmare began as a spring-break blowout. When Kilroy was brought to the ranch, Constanzo murdered him. Aldrete took part in his initiation ceremony, according to the Los Angeles Times. You look at these deviants when their in a group and they all act so cool, I wonder what they feel like when they know it's over and their going down that long road to that destination their hoping never comes. By April 13, Elio and Serafin Hernandez and two other gang members had been arrested and confessed to multiple murders, according toThe New York Times. Tragically, inebriated tourists like Mark Kilroy were ideal targets. David Serna Valdez Crazy shit man. At one point, his mother was arrested for keeping 27 animals in her tiny apartment; the floors were covered in feces and blood. Like tens of thousands of other high school and college kids, they had walked across the international bridge from Brownsville, Texas, to spend part of their spring break in the raunchy border town of Matamoros, Mexico, where the legal drinking age was only 18. and female, all three were reported as being sicarios (hitmen). Constanzo, in a state of paranoia, began burning all his cash on the stove and flinging wads of cash and coins out to the street below. It's a shame they ruined a good cool box, when a black trash bag would have done the job. In return, the drug dealers paid Constanzo handsomely. Victims had either been burned, shot, or hacked to death with a machete. probablemente de unos 25 de edad de esa generacion de abandonados que vino a el mundo despues de Gortari y Zedillo, despues del libre comorcio. There, they flashed fake badges and told him he was under arrest for public drunkeness. She was really pretty and innocent on her photos posted on her Twitter before she joined the gulf cartel. Constanzo made Elio Hernandez an executioner priest, branding his chest and arms with sacred marks. I am just a patron of this blog that appreciates that this sicaria happens to be dead, sprawled on the asphalt displaying the promazos and torture that did her in while sporting a lovely ironic humor printed tee (think Joker's "Born to Kill") and very practical (though, faux pas under the circumstances [oops]) duct tape wristbands. Sara Mara Aldrete Villareal was born in 1964 and grew up middle class in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico, near the border with the United States. As the officers approached, Constanzo, mistakenly believing they had located him, opened fire with a machine gun. Eventually, they would exhume the remains of 14 more people. you are exactly right bro,they believe every word from all the corridos and some! Sara Aldrete, Elio Hernandez, and Serafn Hernandez were convicted of multiple murders and given prison sentences of over 60 years each. they beat the shit out of them before the final blast! He believed this offering would grant even greater supernatural powers to himself and his followers. Mexican police eventually tracked Constanzo, Aldrete,andseveral other cult members to an apartment building in Mexico City. (Bettmann/Corbis), Pictured is a caldron containing bones, a turtle shell, the head He also took up with a young woman named Sara Aldrete, who became the high priestess of the cult. He became their high priest and further enmeshed himself in their operations, performingritualistic animal sacrifices that he claimed would help their business prosper and protect them from police and bullets, according to theChicago Tribune. Constanzo led the cult with Sara Aldrete, whom followers nicknamed "The Godmother" (La Madrina). The series of photos were sent to Breitbart Texas by the citizen journalist group Matamoros Zona De Peligro (MZP) and were also published by Blog del Narco. When are you gonna get it thru your head, that is how it works, the bosses hot the connection and money, fuck yeah they are going to be away from battle, many start from bottom and rise to the top and only gives orders.. Its all like that, like in a factory .. None of the officers dared to search the shed any further. Lolteddy bear..but I does look like something sinister. Enjoy Hell you sadistic killing bitch! Ayala asked why there was a wire there, and Serafn explained that El Padrino had wanted to make a necklace out of Kilroys vertebrae, so they had threaded a wire through his spine. Kilroy was a US citizen who had been in Mexico on spring break. As a grown-up, he decided to move to Mexico City, where he met the future priestess Sara Aldrete, who was known among her peers as a good student who studied physical education, preparing herself for university until the day she was initiated into Adolfo's cult which involved expensive blood sacrifices of chickens, goats, snakes, zebras and even lion cubs. The cdg gots lots of girls sicarias actually some of this girls command little cells of gunmen.anyway play with fire and you cnn get burned.

Inside The Life Of America's Most Notorious Serial Killer, What Stephen Hawking Thinks Threatens Humankind The Most, 27 Raw Images Of When Punk Ruled New York, Join The All That's Interesting Weekly Dispatch. By now, if cutting people's heads off was going to scare the gangs people off it would have happened, now it's just dumb. A que mi flaca! Aldrete was hiding in a bedroom, unharmed.
When classes let out on March 10, 1989, Kilroy and three friends traveled to. Alex Murdaugh Found Guilty of Murdering Wife and Son "The metros are loyal to El Cos the ciclones are loyal to Osiel. I agree trust me she wouldve rather died n battle. Living in the same state well into college, all four remained close. His legs were hacked off with a machete, while his spine was removed and his brains were found boiled in a cauldron. also sinembargo picked it up today and gave us a nod, daily beast mentioned us in their article as well. In the parking lot of a Soriana in colonia Lauro Villar, Matamoros, a gruesome discovery was made inside an abandoned truck. Constanzo allegedly studied Vodou and PaloMayombe, which traces its roots back to the Congo River Basin.
Kilroy was dragged into the shed and forced onto his stomach on the filthy ground. Read reviews Matamoros, Tamaulipas . 10 Reviews . [5] Fifteen mutilated corpses were dug up at the ranch, one of them Kilroy's. While these are most often sourced from animals, followers of PaloMayombehave been blamed for grave robberies, including the theft of bones and body parts at three South Florida cemeteries in 2018, according to theMiami Herald. Thats when Constanzo arrived and began the ritual. He convinced several high-level drug kingpins that he could cast spells to make them invisible to law enforcement and that his clairvoyance could tell them which days to move their product safely. They partied without a problem until 2:30 a.m. when they returned to their hotel on U.S. soil. According to Constanzo, the greater the sacrifice, the greater the power it bestowed. Scary. It is there where he carried out more sadistic ritual murders, sometimes of strangers and other times of rival drug dealers. A foul, rotten stench emanated from the small structure. AKA The Murder Nerd. There had never been any attempt to contact his friends or parents to demand a ransom. Not even a mom yet, proaly. If those dumb shits on either side had half a brain they would leave it at putting a bullet in each others brains because as they all know it, one day it's going to be their turn, and for me I'd rather just have a bullet put in me instead of all the other bullshit. A caretaker on the property said he recognized Kilroy from a photograph police showed him. The metros are loyal to El Cos the ciclones are loyal to Osiel. In her second trial, she was sentenced to 647 years in prison for several counts of murder. The police put up wanted posters and offered a reward. Probably not 65,,just going off some rap tribute vids. April 16, 9:35 PM"She's got a delicious looking midrif. So creepy, behind tweety bird to the right there is a shilouet of a mini devil!!! One police officer was wounded. At first, police feared the couple might have fled to the US.